GEAR Cubs Bhavishya Fund (GCBF)
The GCBF Fund is a fund constituted to support the education of GEAR cubs when under financial threat. The Fund’s primary objective is to ensure that in the unfortunate scenario of any current GEAR Cub losing a parent, the child’s future education is supported by waving off 100% tuition fee for the remaining period of the child’s education at GIIS. If need be we extend the support for other fees and requirements.
GEAR Gurus Empowerment Fund (GGEF)
The GGEF Fund is a fund constituted to support GEAR Mentors to continue innovating and devising new forms of activities and teaching methodologies. A part of the fund is allocated towards awarding grants and funding specialised trainings. The Fund’s primary objective is to ensure that GEAR Mentors are supported in their role at GEAR. The Grants are announced every year during the Talents Day/First Step. The awardees are unaware of the nominees until the announcement made on stage. Apart from a cash award the mentors get access to a grant of one lakh Rupees each. We have 3 Grants constituted to recognise our mentors with a minimum of 6 mentors receiving the grants each year.
GEAR Cubs Noble minds Fund (GNMF)
The GCNF Fund is a fund constituted to support GEAR Cubs and their quest for scientific knowledge and understanding. This fund was constituted with the support of a Noble laureate, who was a GEAR parent for a short period. The Fund’s primary objective is to ensure that GEAR Cubs with a scientific temperament are supported in their education and quest for education. The main recipient of the fund would be chosen after going through nominations of the mentors, peers and a final panel discussion held during the MI Act annually. The recipients of this award would be offered a full scholarship for the rest of their journey at GEAR. The scope of this fund has been expanded to promote Creative writers with the U.R. Ananthmurthy Creative Writers Award. Apart from these scholarships the school encourages it students to take up specific programs that are designed to further their thinking and development like the ASSET Summer Program.
GEAR Multi-Media Library (GMML)
The GMML Fund is a fund constituted to support the growth of the School Library and not limited to only printed matter. The Fund’s primary objective is to ensure that the library is capable of supporting every Cub’s curiosity as well as sparking them.