About Us
“The philosophy at GEAR is to create Nobel and Grand Slam minds, if not Nobel Laureates and Wimbledon Champs.”

Our Story
GEAR Innovative Intl School (affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi), was founded by Dr. M Srinivasan under the umbrella of GEAR Foundation in the year 1995. After years of experience as a teacher, Dr. Srinivasan wanted to create a learning environment of his own, where a child’s talents would be nurtured and creativity would be encouraged. His vision for a school was one where children enjoyed the process of learning, with the philosophy to bring out the innate potential of each and every child. Researching and projects based curriculum are unique hallmarks of GEAR. The CIPE Education Model and the School Beyond Walls School Model created and followed in the school are accredited by LWF-UNESCO.
Dr. Srinivasan was inspired by Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI), which led him to pursue a Masters in Gifted Education from UCON, USA. According to MI every individual possesses eight different types of intelligences, but at different levels or strengths. These intelligences encompass language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuals, an understanding of ourselves and an understanding of nature.
As each child would possess a different and unique combination of these intelligences, the way they would interact with the world, absorb process information, and learn would be different as well. As Gardner (1991) said “...students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways."
To address the individuality in each child, Dr. Srinivasan established GEAR steeped in the MI way of thinking coupled with concepts of Gifted Education. Students are taught through the use of these intelligences, for them to grasp and learn what is being taught. Standard subjects such as Math, Science, English and History are taught with the use of theatre, song, activities and games. This not only makes the process of learning enjoyable but also gives a better grasp of concepts and ideas to the child.
As the motto of the school suggests, at GEAR children are encouraged to Dream, Dare and Do. The goal at GEAR is to help children grow into the best version of themselves by encouraging them to develop into creative and independent thinkers and leaders of tomorrow. Every child is innately talented and uniquely gifted, and it is up to teachers, mentors and parents alike to nurture the budding talents in a child.